Thursday, April 29, 2021

What I've Learned In My 56 Years Of Life


     Life presents us all with opportunities to learn and grow from the many experiences presented to us throughout our lives. If we are humble enough we will see each situation, even the negative ones as a chance for us to gain true personal insight and personal growth. Here then are the biggest takeaways I've learned on my short time on this earth.

     1. Treat others as you would want to be treated, the Golden Rule.

     2. Believe in yourself and don't allow others to defene who you are.

     3. Celebrate your victories, even the small ones.

     4. Never be out worked

     5. Don't overthink things

     6. Learn to forgive, yourself as well as others.

     7. Live within your means.

     8. Be self aware.

     9. Be compasionate

     10. Give more than you take.

     11. Be humble

     12. Live each day fully and with purpose

     13. Have a great work ethic

     14. Add value to peoples lives

     15. Constantly challenge yourself

     16. Give back.

     17. Like who you see in the mirror

     18. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions

     19. Don't make excuses.

     20. Read everyday.

     21. Meditate everyday.

     22. It's alright to not have all the answers.

     23. Never settle.

     24. Know your worth.

     25. Set bounderies

     26. Be kind

     27. To truyly grow as a person requres you to examine uncomortable aspects of yourself.

     28. Be courageous

     29. Do not ask others to do what you are not perpared to do.

     30. Don't take yourself to seriously

     31. Laugh.

     32. Dream big.

     33. Constantly tell those around you how much you love and appreciate them.

     34. Give with no expectations

     35. Be hopeful. 



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