Thursday, April 8, 2021

Words to Live By!


     I wanted to share with you the principles I have taken and incorporated into my life. I use these as my guide, my moral compass, my code of conduct.

1. One Life. I understand that we have one life and one chance to live it as fully and with joyful purpose as we can!

2. Lead by Example. Let your actions, not your words do the talking!

3. Responsibility. I am responsible for living my life as fully and with joyful purposeful as I can each and every day! 

4. Accountability. I am responsible for my actions and decisions! 

5. Educate Yourself. Take time to learn something new every day.

6. Challenge Yourself. Take time to do something that scares you, that pushes you out of your comfort zone every day!

7. Forgive. Learn to forgive others as well as yourself, we are all only human after all.

8. Standards. Set high standards of conduct for yourself and those around you.  

9. Give Back. Empower, uplift, support, encourage, mentor others! 

10. Attitude of Gratitude. Appreciate your life and that you have the love and support of those around you!     

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