Thursday, May 6, 2021

Don't Wait To Feel Motivated


     I like most of you I was conditioned into believing that motivation was the vital ingredient needed before you could proceed with any goalsetting. That somehow, this elusive feeling, which we often give magical qualities to, had to be present in order for us to find success.

     After years of waiting to feel motivated before I started something, or stopping something when I no longer felt motivated to I had an epiphany! I suddenly realize the reason I was going through life so frustrated and unable to stick with even the simplest goals was my perspective. I realized that it was not motivation itself that was going to allow me to stick with something. Instead, the real deciding factors were the habits and systems I had in place.

     You see what most of us fail to realize is that motivation, and or inspiration, is a fickle and fleeting feeling. It cannot be counted upon to deliver results, as it is subject to so many internal and external factors. Things such as past experiences, the amount of sleep we had the night before, our current environment, our temperament all converge to influence our feelings of motivation. In fact, it's quite natural at times for us to feel uninspired and unmotivated in the pursuit of our goals. In many cases, it is not unusual to feel unmotivated until after we've started  Some of us even view this absence of motivation and or inspiration as a sign that we should give up altogether on the goal, or not even start the process.   

     The important point to remember is that motivation in and of itself will is not sufficient to guarantee success in achieving your goals. While motivation is important, it should be viewed more as a catalyst or starting point. To have any real chance at sticking with and achieving your goals one needs to have first laid down a solid foundation of habits and systems. Good habits and the systems that allow you to develop these good habits are the lynchpins of success They can be counted upon to carry you through even in the absence or lack of motivation and inspiration.           




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