Thursday, April 22, 2021

Leave Your Ego At The Door


     If you've spent any amount of time training jiu-jitsu, chances are you've either heard or read the following statement, "leave your ego at the door." What exactly does that mean to me and how does that impact my training?

     When it comes to training, improving, and evolving as a martial artist having an ego is akin to having an anchor around your neck! The ego does not care about your self-improvement or the improvement of those you train with, it's all about winning and dominating! The presence of ego not only limits your technical growth but your overall development as a martial artist. Still unsure if your ego is getting in the way of your training, then ask yourself the following.

     1. When rolling do you focus primarily on winning or are you more concerned with improving?

     2. Do you get upset if you get tapped out by a lower rank, or someone you feel you shouldn't have tapped to? 

     3. Do you make excuses when your training partner is able to shut down your game? 

     4. Are you afraid to experiment and try out new techniques for fear of getting caught? 

     5. Do I train with the lower ranks, and if so do I make sure they're able to work their techniques as well?  

     In the end, it's all about evolving, self-improvement, and progression, as well as helping your teammates achieve the same. A martial artist cannot hope to become the best version of themselves if they allow their ego to take center stage. To truly improve and progress in your training you need to be humble enough to learn from your mistakes, step out of your comfort zone, take chances, help your teammates!  



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