Thursday, June 10, 2021

White Belt Wisdom


     In this week's blog, I wanted to share with you a collection of expectations that all of our younger students recite at the beginning of each class. We title these expectations "White Belt Wisdom," and they serve as a tangible reminder that class has started, as well as reinforce what is expected of them during class.  

     1. Give your best effort. Develop a solid work ethic and whatever it takes to get the job done right attitude! This will take you far in life! 

     2. Keep a positive attitude. As we often tell the students, attitude is everything! It's impossible to enjoy life or accomplish anything with a bad attitude! My attitude determines my altitude as we say!

     3. Be Courteous. As we teach our students to remember The Golden Rule and to treats others as they would want to be treated. It's always the right time to do the right thing!   

     4. Be consistent in your training and your attitude. There is no improvement, no growth, no personal development without a consistent application of focus, effort, and attitude! 

     5. Be safe. Not to be confused with being fearful. Live life, work hard, have fun but do so safely and responsibly. 

     6. Have fun! Work hard but don't take yourself or life too seriously. Life is to be lived, to be embraced, to be savored! Enjoy the ride!  

     As with all the other practices the students learn here at the academy, they are extremely transferable to other areas of their lives. As such, students are expected to not only apply them while training but outside of it as well.     


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