Thursday, February 18, 2021

12 Essential Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day!

     Most of us have been conditioned to think that in order for us to find the answers to our questions, be it our purpose in life, our relationships, that we must go and seek them out. The fact of the matter is, is that if we want answers to our asking questions, we must first learn to ask questions. It's not enough though, just to ask questions, they need to be the right questions, and at the right time. In fact, asking the right questions at the right time can have a profound and lasting impact on your life! Below are 12 questions to ask yourself every day to help keep you focused, on the right track, and living a life of satisfaction, purpose, and meaning.

1) Who do I spend my time with? Do they add or detract from my life, do they inspire and support you, are they a positive influence?

2) Is this under my control? Remember we can not control what goes on around us, only our own thoughts, feelings and actions Therefore only put your energy and focus into those things that you do control.

3) What does my ideal day look like? If you don't know what your ideal day looks like how can you make the decisions or plans necessary to bring that into reality

4) To be or to do? Put simply, will I chase my dreams and live my life with joy, purpose, or will I stay within my comfort zones and merely exist?

5) If I am not for me, who is? If I am only for me, who am I? It's quite natural for all of us to strive for individual accomplishments, honors, and recognitions. We must, however, balance our personal ambitions with a desire to uplift and empower those around us. We must think outside of ourselves and reach out to others.

6) What am I missing by choosing to be worried and afraid? When we choose to worry and be fearful, we must ask ourselves if we are seeing the situation clearly, and are we giving ourselves all the options needed to make good decisions. 

7) Am I doing my job? Before you do anything you must first ask yourself if you even know what your job is What were talking about here is more than what you do to earn a paycheck. Specifically, are you making the decision and taking the actions necessary to live your life with purpose and meaning. Are you supporting and empowering those closest to you and in your community? 

8) What is the most important thing? Again, with this question, you need to first define what it is that's important to you. Once you understand that, you can then see if you are structuring your life, making the decisions, and taking the action necessary to make it a priority.

9) Who is this for? For all the entrepreneurs out there making and selling something, you must know who your audience is. Once you understand this you must then you must ask yourself what is it they need and want? The last thing you must ask yourself is what is it your offering them, are you bringing value to their lives? 

10) Does this actually matter? Are you putting your focus into things that are positive, productive, that add and bring value to your life? Our time on this earth is limited so be sure to make the most of the time we have! 

11) Is this alive time or dead time? Are we sitting around waiting for life to happen or are we going out and making things happen? 

12) Is this who I want to be? Define the type of person you want to be, and the type of life you want to lead, and make sure your decisions and action align to make this a reality.                    

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