Thursday, January 14, 2021

The martial arts is in everything that we do.

     I don't think enough martial arts schools do a thorough enough job of explaining to their students how their training influences and impacts every aspect of their lives. We as instructors and school owners need to continually reinforce this message and demonstrate to our students the relevance of this interconnected relationship. 

     No other activity a child or adult participates in addresses as many of their needs as do martial arts. What sets martial arts apart from most, is that it is not simply an activity or sport, but rather a way of life. Over the centuries the training and philosophy of martial arts have been and adopted by various civilizations who saw its value as a guide to help live their lives. The samurai of feudal Japan were probably the most notable example of this.

     The benefits of training in the martial go beyond the standard benefits we often associate with it such as improved physical fitness, self-confidence, coordination, focus, self-control, courtesy, respect, and ability to defend oneself. Here are a few other, but no less important ways martial arts training is beneficial. It helps students set and accomplish goals, strengthen their resolve, diligence, and resilience. It also helps develop a culture of leadership where students strive to be leaders and positive role models for their families, friends, and community. It also helps give students the tools and confidence they need to help them identify and share their feelings, as well as understand the makeup of healthy relationships and setting boundaries. Lastly, martial arts is not solely focused on individual improvement and empowerment but also on fostering the idea of helping to do the same for those in their community. Students and parents need to see the value and relevancy of their training beyond what is typically associated with it.        

1 comment:

  1. The more you train, the more you coach, the more you live the martials the more its revealed in all aspects of life and our interactions with others. Thanks for sharing this with us.
