Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Foundation.

     I'm hard pressed to find the words that adequately express how satisfying it is to finally see my vision, my passion come to life! I often find myself thinking how lucky I am to be were I am now, but to be honest luck played a very small part in that. Hard work, focus, determination, and most importantly, staying true to myself and my vision is what made the difference! Though I loved to be active, and enjoyed a wide range of sports as a child I was not athletically gifted. Instead I was intensely introspective and had intense feelings that I was put on this earth to help others in some way, to protect them and keep them safe. As I matured I came to realize that living a so called conventional 9 to 5 life held no interest for me. I was drawn to the ideals and concepts of altruism, morality, justice and compassion. It wasn't until I was in my early twenties that I discovered the essential piece in my life that would bring these various feelings into focus, help to galvanize a plan of action and start me off on this journey of a lifetime. Of course I am speaking of my discovery of the martial arts.   

Sunday, June 2, 2019

We Begin!

     I think the sound of this rain has put me into a bit of a contemplative mood. It is still hard for me to believe that I am not only living out a dream, a passion, but that I am actually able to support myself with it! For many years my desire to share with others this beautiful art that is Jiu-Jitsu, was an enormous exercise in persistence, patients, determination and most importantly, belief in myself. I made very little financially for the first 10 or so years that I taught, it was a struggle to say the least! There were a few instances were I grew so tired of this struggle, of this grind, that I actually stepped away from teaching and training all together. I did this with the mistaken belief that my desire to share this incredible gift, this treasure that I had come to love so deeply was simply not meant to be. Fortunately, there was a part of me that was uncompromising and would not allow me to surrender so easily. With out exception, each and every time I walked away I invariably found myself feeling that I was not living my authentic life, not realizing and sharing what was in my being to do. Needless to say I am so very glad that in the end I choose not to settle, not to live a life half lived!